Vegetables are one of the most versatile ingredients out there, whether you enjoy a buttery corn and pea blend alongside your dinner or make mouthwatering veggie-rich dishes such as soup and quiche.
One of the most significant benefits of consuming cooked vegetables is that they are full of fiber, which means you will likely fill up on them fast.
While this is a considerable advantage to consuming veggies, it also means you will almost always be left with leftovers.
The best place for cooked veggies to be stored is in the fridge. But how long do these healthy yet delicious items last in the refrigerator?
Cooked vegetables can last in the refrigerator for 3-7 days when stored properly in an airtight container. This timeframe can vary slightly depending on the type of vegetable, with some denser vegetables like carrots or potatoes potentially lasting towards the longer end of the range. It’s important to cool the vegetables to room temperature before refrigerating to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to spoilage. Always check for any signs of spoilage, such as off smells, discoloration, or slimy texture before consuming refrigerated cooked vegetables.
Fresh, cooked veggies – high water content (tomato, asparagus, zucchini) | Up to 5 days |
Fresh, cooked veggies – low water content (spinach, potatoes, kale) | Up to 7 days |
Frozen, cooked veggies | Up to 7 days |
Canned, cooked veggies | Up to 10 days |
Veggie quiche | Up to 5 days |
Veggie soup | Up to 3 days |
Chicken and veggies | Up to 5 days |
Roasted veggies | 5-7 days |
Steamed veggies | 5-7 days |
Collard greens/turnip greens | 5 days |
Keep reading to find out all the essential information regarding how long cooked veggies last in the fridge (and how to store them to increase their longevity).
How Long Do Cooked Veggies Last in the Fridge?
When properly stored, most cooked vegetables will last 5 to 7 days in the fridge.
But that doesn’t mean every veggie is on the “safe to consume” list at the 7-day mark, and dishes that utilize a mixture of veggies make this number all the more complicated.
With that in mind, it’s essential to know the specific shelf lives (rather, refrigerator lives) of your favorite cooked veggies and veggie-packed meals.
How Long Do Fresh, Cooked Veggies Last in the Fridge?
If you prefer to use fresh veggies from the grocery store, you should know that vegetables with a higher water content won’t last as long as those with lower water content.
- Vegetables with a high water content will last up to 5 days in the fridge. Such veggies include zucchini, tomato, celery, asparagus, mushrooms, cabbage, and green bell peppers.
- Vegetables with a lower water content will last up to 7 days in the fridge. Veggies with a lower water content include spinach, peas, celery, cauliflower, and potatoes.
How Long Do Collard Greens and Turnip Greens Last in the Fridge?
Due to their high water content, collard greens and turnip greens will only last up to 5 days in the fridge when properly stored.
How Long Do Frozen, Cooked Veggies Last in the Fridge?
When it comes to convenience, nothing beats a bag of frozen vegetables. They can be bought as a single vegetable or contain a blend of similar veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower or peas, corn, and green beans.
Frozen, cooked vegetables last relatively the same amount of time in the fridge as freshly cooked ones.
Most will remain safe and delicious to consume for up to 7 days after being adequately stored.
How Long Do Canned, Cooked Veggies Last in the Fridge?
Those that prefer the canned vegetable route will appreciate that cooked, canned veggies have a slightly longer shelf life and will be good for up to 10 days after storing correctly in the fridge.
How Long Does Quiche Last in the Fridge?
Quiche is a beloved breakfast option that combines the protein-rich and nutrient-packed eggs with healthy vegetables such as bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and kale.
Due to the combination of cooked eggs and vegetables, quiche will only remain good in the fridge for 3 to 5 days.
How Long Does Vegetable Soup Last in the Fridge?
If you’re hunting for a veggie-packed, diet-friendly option for lunch or dinner, vegetable soup is a great choice.
It’s jam-packed with vegetables, spices, seasonings, and potentially other additions like cheese or noodles, making it a healthy and desirable meal option.
Unfortunately, vegetable soup does not have a very long shelf life and will only be good for up to 3 days in the fridge.
Not only will the quality and taste deteriorate past the 3-day mark, but it may go bad entirely. It’s best to say sayonara to the veggie soup after 3 days.
How Long Does Cooked Chicken and Vegetables Last in the Fridge?
Chicken and veggies are another popular meal option for lunch and dinner. Although it’s healthy and great for all types of diets, it doesn’t have a very long shelf life.
That’s because chicken is susceptible to bacterial growth after 3 days in the fridge, according to the USDA.
Cooked chicken and vegetables last up to 3 days in the refrigerator. So, make sure you reheat it and consume it before the 3-day mark, so it doesn’t go to waste.
How Long Do Roasted Vegetables Last in the Fridge?
The cooking method used to cook your vegetables won’t change their longevity in the fridge.
So, if you roast artichokes, tomatoes, and zucchinis, they will remain good for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. If you roasted potatoes and spinach, it would likely remain good for up to 7 days.
How Long Do Steamed Veggies Last in the Fridge?
Steamed vegetables have the same result. Those with higher water content, such as bok choy, radish, zucchini, watercress, and green bell peppers, will last up to 5 days in the fridge.
Those with lower water content, like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and lentils, will last up to 7 days.
How to Store Cooked Vegetables to Increase the Longevity
Although most cooked vegetables will last around 5 to 7 days, they won’t make it that far without proper storage.
Follow these storage tips to ensure that your big pile of leftover veggies doesn’t end up in the trash can.
Allow Vegetables to Cool Completely
While you don’t want to leave your cooked veggies sitting out for longer than two hours, storing a piping hot batch of veggies immediately in the fridge can raise your refrigerator’s temperature.
Wait until they’re done steaming – around 10 to 20 minutes after cooking.
Store in an Airtight Container or Resealable Plastic Bag
The best place to store cooked vegetables is in an airtight container.
The lid should be sealed, and no airflow should be able to penetrate the container, as this can cause cooked veggies to spoil more rapidly.
If you don’t have an airtight container, a resealable plastic bag also works. Make sure that the bag is sealed entirely.
Again, any airflow that finds its way into the bag can cause your cooked veggies to deteriorate quicker.
Date the Container/Bag
Dating your chosen storage method is essential. Sometimes, cooked veggies may no longer be safe to consume yet don’t have any clear indicators of spoilage.
The best way to deter consumption of spoiled veggies is to date them and use them within the designated period.
Don’t Store it Next to Fruit
Some fruits release ethylene gas that can be harmful to certain vegetables and cause them to go rancid quickly.
It can be hard to remember which veggies are sensitive to this gas, so it’s better to store them separately.
Note: This simple storage solution can be used for other veggie-packed dishes like quiche and vegetable soup.
However, you can take an additional step with quiche and wrap individual pieces with plastic wrap before placing them in the container or resealable bag.
How to Tell if Cooked Veggies Have Gone Bad
The good thing about cooked vegetables (and most raw veggies) is that it’s easy to spot when they’ve gone bad.
Cooked vegetables have many tall-tell signs they need to be tossed, such as sliminess, mold, discoloration, and a horrendous odor.
Cooked vegetables that have gone past their prime will develop a slimy texture that is nothing short of undesirable.
So, if you’re unsure if your cooked veggies are still safe to consume, slide your finger across them. If you notice a slimy texture, toss them immediately.
Mold is another significant indicator of rotten cooked vegetables. Mold can be in several colors, including blue or green, although it can also present itself as white.
Mold can begin as a discoloration, although it will quickly form a fuzzy texture that is hard to miss.
If your cooked vegetables don’t appear as they once did, you should discard them immediately. This is true even if there is only slight discoloration.
Horrendous Odor
Perhaps the biggest indicator of rancid, cooked vegetables is the smell.
When your cooked vegetables have gone bad, a horrific odor will emit the second the container or resealable bag is opened. If you notice a terrible scent, get rid of the cooked veggies ASAP.
Can Spoiled Cooked Vegetables Make You Ill?
As there are many signs that your cooked vegetables have spoiled, there isn’t a high chance you will consume them.
However, if your rancid vegetables showed no signs of rancidness – and they were stored without dating – you may accidentally consume old cooked veggies.
Unfortunately, two types of bacteria grow on cooked veggies, and they can make you sick with food poisoning.
Food poisoning causes a number of uncomfortable and undesirable symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.
Most of the time, food poisoning will pass without the need for medical attention.
Severe cases may require a trip to the emergency room, though, so it’s essential to keep an eye on your symptoms.
This is especially true if you’re storing cooked vegetables with chicken, as chicken is one of the leading causes of salmonella poisoning.
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Final Words
Most cooked veggies will last around five days in the fridge, but this number can vary depending on the type of vegetable and if it’s mixed with other ingredients, such as in a quiche or soup.
The best way to determine if it’s still safe to consume is to check for signs of spoilage such as a foul odor, discoloration, or sliminess.
My name is Keren Tayler. I am a stay-at-home mama to three lovely girls, Sarah + Rachel + Hannah. Prior to becoming a mom, I had a successful career in the accounting field, steps away from becoming a CPA. I decided to give up on my career in order to raise my own kids (as opposed to letting a nanny do it, no judgment here :)) I learned a lot and I love sharing it with other moms. Along the way, I also became a Certified Food Handler.