What To Serve With Buttermilk Biscuits? [Plus Vegetarian Options]

Golden, fluffy biscuits that are perfectly buttery and salty are delightful and heavenly in each bite!

Whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, buttermilk biscuits are always a great idea. In my mind, serving biscuits will always elevate a meal and bring an extra element of indulgence. 

Though the flaky buttermilk biscuits are tasty, they can be pretty plain and dry if served on their own.

Buttermilk biscuits are served with a wide range of meals, and the choice of a side dish will always depend on the meal.

The most ideal way to serve buttermilk biscuits is with a gravy, such as a sausage gravy or white chicken gravy. When served alongside a bowl of soup or pasta, buttermilk biscuits are always a hit. For simpler meals, you can also opt for butter, jams, and Polish sausage franks with a cup of coffee.  

As someone who frequently hosts events with full-course meals, I have narrowed down the selection of my go-to dishes to serve with buttermilk biscuits.

Many of these options are tailored to the time of day the meal is served, the occasion, and the number of people who will enjoy them.

What To Serve With Buttermilk Biscuits for Breakfast

Whether you make your biscuits from scratch or pop them out of a can, they will always be a hit at the breakfast table.

The options are endless but based on experience; I find that most classic options are always met with giddy anticipation. 


Biscuits and gravy is a long-held American classic. This traditional combo is very indulgent and perfect for morning breakfast or brunch over the weekend. 

The gravy typically poured on top of the flaky biscuits is usually cooked with sausage meat, such as Italian sausage.

This meat is fried in a skillet to a golden color with diced onion. When the meat is no longer pink, a little bit of flour is added, followed by heavy cream and chicken broth.

This golden mixture results in a thick, savory gravy that is yummy enough to eat by the spoonful!

Gravy and biscuits are easy to make on the morning of the meal. Typically, I cook the gravy in advance and bake the biscuits in the morning.

When it is time to serve, I pop the gravy into the microwave and pour it on the freshly baked biscuits. 

Planning a breakfast of biscuits and gravy is even easier for major holidays, such as Christmas. In such instances, opt for the biscuits from Pillsbury.

Cut them in quarters and layout half of them on a greased pan. After pouring your cooked gravy on top, follow the rest of the biscuits.

This casserole is always a hit and can be prepped and stored in the fridge overnight.


Omelets always make for a nourishing side dish to complement biscuits, whether you’re rushing the kids off to school or expecting company for breakfast.


Omelets are versatile, and you can make them as simple or fancy as you like.

On a school day, I serve omelets stuffed with cheese and bacon bits (my boys’ favorite) and biscuits, jam, and butter.

This breakfast is the boys’ favorite because it’s delicious, filling, and keeps them going till lunchtime. 

Over the weekends, I step up the omelet game by stuffing it with cheese, spinach, and cherry tomatoes.

Then follows the garnish of fresh herbs like chives or parsley and avocado. With this indulgent omelet, the buttermilk biscuits are served with a minimal brushing of garlic herb butter.

This combination is a crowd pleaser and will surely be scarfed up in no time. 

3.Buttermilk Biscuit Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Buttermilk biscuits make an excellent base for breakfast sandwiches like ham and cheese.

Now, baking biscuits for the sole purpose of making a sandwich can seem a little extravagant.

Although this is a great option, I usually opt to use leftover biscuits from the previous night’s dinner. 

Leftover biscuits tend to dry quickly, and the best way to prevent waste is to use them for breakfast sandwiches.

On the rare occasion that my boys don’t clear the basket of biscuits at dinner, I cut them in half and stuff them with cheese and a slice of ham.

Then, I stick them under the broil until the cheese melts and serve them with fruit and coffee. 

Ham and cheese is my family’s favorite combination, but it doesn’t feel like you can’t explore other options!

Tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella will come together nicely in a buttermilk biscuit. 

You can also try this sandwich idea with egg whites, sausage patties, and cheese. The opportunities and combinations are endless!


For those who prefer a simpler meal for breakfast, a fruit bowl with buttermilk biscuits is a great way to start the day.

This light option offers a great source of fiber and nutrients source to jump-start your metabolism. 

The best fruit combinations are the ones with contrasting colors since they will offer a wider variety of vitamins and minerals.

Try blackberries, raspberries, and sliced mango or bananas, apples, and strawberries.

There are no wrong combinations, and a sweet, fruity taste will go well with the savory, buttery biscuit and hot coffee. 

What to Serve With Cheddar Biscuits

As someone who consistently indulges in a love affair with carbs, I have never been able to turn down a buttermilk biscuit, even if it’s during lunch or on the first day of a diet plan. 

There is something extraordinary about cheddar biscuits that pair nicely with most lunch or dinner dishes.

Whether a simple soup or salad, the cheesy biscuit always hits the spot. The following dishes are curated specifically to go with buttermilk cheddar biscuits. 

5.Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Gravy

Sometimes lunch or dinner is centered around a special occasion, and buttermilk biscuits are appropriate to serve with gravy with shrimp and andouille sausage.

This seafood-inspired gravy will transport right into a Red Lobster restaurant, but at a fraction of the cost. 

This gravy requires more effort than the traditional sausage gravy, but it is so worth it.

It involves bacon, sausage, and shrimp which will all be cooked separately and combined with the base of onion, pepper, celery, and corn. 

Thanks to the cream and broth, this gravy will be thick, flavorful, and very indulgent. It becomes irresistible when spooned on top of a fluffy, cheddar biscuit.

This meal is a true showstopper that will provide a nourishing meal and a festive environment. 

6.Chicken Salad & Buttermilk Biscuits

For those who prefer a lighter or quicker lunch hour, throwing in some biscuits with a chicken salad is the way to go! 

Chicken Salad

One of my favorite ways to make a chicken salad is by tossing spinach and arugula together with rotisserie chicken strips, strawberries, and a poppy seed dressing. It is fresh, filling, and very nourishing. 

This meal is perfect if you have leftover biscuits from breakfast or last night’s dinner. Cheddar biscuits will compliment almost any salad.

This scrumptious combination will provide enough energy to last until dinner without causing an afternoon slum. 

7.Mac & Cheese

The cheesy creaminess of mac & cheese is the perfect complement to cheddar biscuits.

The combination of the two textures goes well together, and you can use your biscuit to mop any extra cheese. 

The slightly salty and flaky cheddar biscuit balances the creamy flavors of mac and cheese.

The biscuits will also this simple dish to the next level, and make it look like you spent hours cooking. 

What To Serve With Buttermilk Biscuits for Dinner

Dinner is often met with a great deal of decision fatigue. The possibilities are endless, and choosing a suitable dish is overwhelming.

I have my three go-to recipes to serve with biscuits loved by everyone who joins me for dinner. 

These dinner options will vary in time commitment and required level of effort, which cater to busy weeknights and fancier weekend gatherings.

I also freely serve both regular buttermilk biscuits and cheddar biscuits with these meals, depending on the ingredients on hand. 

8.White Wine Chicken Stew 

Buttermilk biscuits are great for dunking into bowls of soups, gravies, and stews. They tend to soak up all the goodness and create a festival of the mouth! 

This stew is something to serve up for a larger crowd on a festive occasion. It is very rich in flavor and has an element of fancy with the included white wine.

This stew is usually consistent with seared chicken pieces and bacon strips cooked together in a perfectly seasoned broth of potatoes, herbs, and white wine. 

Once this stew has had time to meld all those flavors together in the oven, it will create an aroma that will beckon everyone to the table.

Nothing is more tantalizing to the senses than a piping pot of stew, served with buttery, golden biscuits.

P.S. I LOVE cheddar biscuits with this recipe; they finish off the meal with a bang. 


For some reason, cheddar biscuits pair nicely with seafood, especially salmon. Perhaps that is why the Red Lobster franchise is a hit throughout the U.S.!

Salmon is packed with omega-3 and other healthy fats. It is also quick to cook and makes for a beautiful weeknight option. 

The preparation of salmon doesn’t have to be elaborate to provide a delicious and nourishing meal.

The most full-proof way to cook a fillet of salmon is by slicing it into single-serving pieces and then seasoning it with salt, pepper, and olive oil.

After sitting under the broil for 15-18 minutes, your dinner table will have a perfectly most and golden salmon to go with biscuits. 

Buttermilk cheddar biscuits go well with salmon because of their slight cheesiness and garlic butter.

Served along with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies, the cheddar biscuits and salmon will disappear quickly off the table.

10.Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Mashed potatoes and gravy are a classic combination that many households enjoy.

The creamy, butter potatoes topped with a savory gravy tend to always hit the spot. When you add a biscuit or two to the mix, the meal becomes a heavenly delight. 

These three go so well together because the gravy adds just enough flavor and depth to the potatoes and biscuits.

Served together, the entire meal will be devoured in one sitting! You will be stuffed, but it will be so worth it!

What Soup Goes Well With Biscuits?

11.Chicken Noodle Soup 

It isn’t presumptuous to say that chicken noodle soup is America’s favorite go-to soup. This classic soup is perfect for cold days and suitable for light summer lunch. 

This soup is typically cooked with a mirepoix base of aromatic veggies like onions, carrots, and celery.

Some cooks also add aromatic herbs like rosemary and parsley. When all of this is cooking, add a bit of garlic for a fragrant, alluring aroma, then pour in the broth. 

When the broth begins to boil, add the noodles, and when the noodles are almost done, add the chicken meat and peas.

This soup is simple but very filling. It is perfect for dipping a cheddar biscuit, and everyone at the table will ask for second helpings. 

12.Broccoli Cheddar Soup 

Broccoli cheddar soup is like comfort in a bowl. There is something particularly delightful about this creamy soup infused with cheddar cheese and broccoli.

This is an excellent vegetarian dish to serve with biscuits. Plus, it is easy to make!

In a large soup pot, saute onions until golden, and add the garlic for a fragrant touch.

Once the garlic becomes fragrant, add the flour and saute until it is lightly golden. Next, pour in the chicken stock followed by broccoli florets and carrots.

Season to taste. Once the pot comes to a boil, turn the heat down to medium-low, allowing it to simmer for 15 minutes. 

When the veggies are cooked through, add the half & half and cheddar cheese, allowing it to simmer for another minute or two.

At this point, you can either serve it as is or blend it with an immersion blender. 

This soup is excellent to serve with biscuits for lunch or even a quick dinner.

This is the ultimate comfort food for any day of the week, and your family will gobble it up along with the biscuits in no time. 

13.Chicken Pot Pie 

Chicken pot pie is another American classic that is easy to whip up for any weeknight.

The version that typically makes its way to my table is also a one-pot recipe, a win in my books!

Opt for the store-bought biscuit dough to save time, which I usually do for this recipe. 

Using a large, deep saute pan, fry off some onions, carrots, and celery. Add a bit of garlic and once it’s fragrant, add the ground chicken with salt and pepper to taste.

As the chicken cooks, add some chicken stock and sour cream, thickening it. 

Add the peas and top with biscuit dough when the chicken is fully cooked, and the mixture is thick and bubbly.

This heavenly goodness will bake in the oven for about 15-20 minutes. It will have all the elements required for a wholesome meal in one dish. 

What To Eat With Vegetarian Dishes?

14.Vegetarian Pot Pie

Vegetarian pot pie is just as scrumptious and flavorful as a chicken pot pie. The fresh veggies cooked in a creamy veggie broth are light and nutritious. 

When the thick veggie base is cooked, it basically screams for a biscuit topping. The juices seep into the bottom of the biscuits, making them moist and crispy on the top. 

The aroma of this dish and the presentation of golden, flaky dishes on top of a piping veggie mix will attract anyone to the table.

This is also a genius way to sneak extra veggies into your kid’s diet. 

15.One-Pot Pasta 

I previously mentioned my love affair with carbs, and this affair extends well into pasta.

There are many ways to cook a one-pot pasta meal, but the number one crowd-pleaser is Martha Stewart’s pasta cooked with basil, cherry tomatoes, and garlic. 

This pasta is simple to cook, but the flavors come together so well that it will be easily mistaken for a restaurant-quality dish.

In a large pan, add your fettuccine, followed by sprigs of basil, slices of garlic, onion, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Adding just enough water to cover the surface of the pasta, bring the pan to a boil and reduce to medium heat for nine minutes. 

As the pasta begins to soften, the onion will give off its juices and combine with the starchiness of the pasta.

It will give a slightly creamy effect that will envelop the pasta with the excellent flavor combination of garlic, tomatoes, and basil. 

These flavors combine well with cheddar biscuits, and both will be devoured in no time.

Let me warn you that the night you serve this meal isn’t the night to count calories! It will make a very filling dinner that is so worth the indulgence. 

16.Berries and Cream Bake

Berries and cream mixed with biscuit dough and baked together make for an excellent option for either breakfast or dessert.

The tartness of the berries and sweet cream pairs well with the biscuits. This is a very filling way to enjoy your biscuits but rest assured, there will be no complaints.

For an extra cherry on top, top it with some vanilla ice cream, and enjoy!

Final Considerations

Buttermilk biscuits are incredibly indulgent and loved by many individuals throughout history.

They elevate each dish to a premium level and add the perfect comfort to each meal. 

There are no set rules for serving these golden delights, but the ideas outlined above will surely get any cook on the right path. 

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